just allan

By allan

Eider Down

Eider ducks with the Isle of May behind by Belhaven Bay, East Lothian. As I rode to town this evening, I stopped to snap these birds.

When I got to Dunbar I got wind that Red and Mr Smith were lurking in the shadows in the Volleys snug. Those guys deserve respect. Afraid that they might kill me with a snap of their fingers, I hovered in the twilight of their influence until I was recognised and beckoned in. Slipping between their muscled bodyguards, I sat on an old crate and proffered my pictures as a sacrificial offering. They laughed cruelly at my squint horizons and poor white balance, deleting my images as they went. Snatching the camera back, I ran for it with just the eiders remaining. Red and Smith will remain anonymous for a little longer. Damn, they're good.

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