an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Whats the Rush

Today I went for a walk at lunchtime. I went the way where I have seem the most wildlife in the past. I have previousley spotted deer, herons, foxes and pet pigs on the route but today was nothing but the odd pigeon.

Anyway I did spot these bulrushes. It is interesting to see how fluffy and hairy they are, almost like hamsters. In fact in some of the other shots I took they actually look like some sort of hamster hate protest. Anyway it is not often I see these in such a hairy state and soon they will be at their more recognisable hot dog self.

On returning home, shattered the little ones and I drew chalk faces and plants in the garden before dinner, I was most impressed that I used the drain to be a mouth for water to run into, even if it will wash half the mouth away.

However it was not long till both little ones were a little moany and in need of cuddles for teeth and tiredness, and even though I tried not to, my shatteredness made me a bit crap at dealing with it culminating with a debate and a falling out with Toddler at bathtime.

Being the grown up I took the higher ground of not talking to her whilst she used my christian name and said "Don't worry, its ok". Its incredible but not that surprising that a three year old can be the better grown up sometimes.

So it is always tough on a Friday when the automatic relax from work kicks in, with a wave of tiredness that covers over, and its even worse with crap dad guilt.

I will just have to try to be a better grown up in future and ensure the weekend is a good one, its already busy thats for sure.

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