Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Take No Notice

A notice board in a coffee room.

I love this because it's a microcosm of life - huge swathes of information, most of which others require us to know. But hidden in amongst this onslaught are those little snippets we don't want to miss - a colleague's new baby, a friend needing our help with a shift swap. Making sure we catch all of these things without missing them Is a constant battle.

I have a little of the obsessive collector in me. Mrs Geek still hasn't got over the shock of finding my stash of Freecycle Golf Bags. So I should have guessed I was at risk of spending a bit on camera apps. I bought 2 today (photoshop express with in-app purchase & hipstamatic with 3 in-app buys...I know I know). And the weird thing? I've really enjoyed experimenting with the limitations of the camera, getting good shots with excellent innate lighting. This blip obviously had a bit of post-processing but I think this will be the exception rather than the rule. The hipstamatic is pretty cool-pseudo analogue lomography with different lens, film & flash effects. Should probably have got used to the basic set before splashing out, but at £2 total I think the exchequer will survive the hit. And, as I plan to be blipping for quite some time, there'll be plenty of opportunity to try everything out.

Happy weekend. Looking forward to some quality Dad & Geeklet time as Mrs Geek is working (but only 8 hour days so golf will still happen, just a bit later is all)

Have a lovely time. Shall we meet back here around the same time tomorrow, see what we've been up to?

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