Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Have a Drink on Me

Evening all,

Well after my success at setting up a Bee Hostelry, i've now branched out and am attracting insects of various shapes and hues into my parlour, and i'm not even a spider!!

I have to confess that i'm not sure what sort of flying sugar fiend that this is yet, but i'm relying on my trusty blip confederates to identify it for me, i need to get an idea who to make the bill out to!!

Amazing the preconceptions you can come to if you're not really careful... I sort of thought that last nights Roger Waters concert would attract a crowd of mainly middle aged old hippies,drifting into a mildly disreputable old age, sober,silent and quietly appreciative........ WRONG!!!!

i've been to a seriously large amount of concerts in my time, and i have never seen so many drunken,raucous concert goers in one place at one time!!!

The two drunken scousers sitting next to SIL were putting double brandies into their pints of lager as if cost and Liver were alien words, the only time they were quiet throughout the entire concert was when they broke out some hugely illegal substances after the intermission and consumed them........ still at least they were friendly,drunken druggies and its another lesson in life, don't make any assumptions about anything, ever.....

Adam Ant on Tuesday night, so i'm sure not gonna begin to guess who'll be at that one cause clearly i'll be wrong!!


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