Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Well this is another catch up back blip.

One that i took whilst in a layby at the top of 'our road'...its always 'our road' or 'our street' isn't it, its never 'the street on which sits the house in which where we live and which we contribute a portion of our wages via council tax to ensure is adequately maintained'

i can see that is a bit of a mouthful so will be prepared to compromise, this had been a long soulless day and it was about twenty past nine in the evening, i'd actually stopped to take a voyeuristic picture of sheep settling down for bed, but thought better of it, so thought i'd take a quick snap of the view across the fields and valleys,

not the best snap as i was leaning out of the car window trying to get a gap in between the A629 traffic, but thats okay,

not everyday nor every photo can be standout or superb, mournful or miserable, some days can be just days and some photos are just photos....

night all

Kate Bush

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