
By craftynini

'Windy Devastation'

* Since this blip this morning, another branch has broken and fallen. It was, unfortunately, the branch that held the bird house. I have leaned it against the fence and that is the best I can do as the wind is howling and too dangerous under the tree.. The blue tit mum and dad are trying to find it. If you know what I can do - let me know. Very, very sad.*

This is the branch that I had to pull from the Hawthorn tree in the garden (one third of the actual tree). I was looking out of the kitchen window this morning and noticed the branch just hanging there.

This tree has been in the garden since the house was built in 1935. Every year Opendoor marks down the date that the blosson comes out and this year (for the first year since we moved in 9 years ago) we have nesting Blue Tits.

Hope you are all safe today and watch out for this crazy wind.

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