creative lenna

By creativelenna

playing . . .

I had a lovely photo I took of Frangipani at my mom & dad's this afternoon. That could have been the one for today's photo. I also took another interesting photo of reflections . . . but in the end I wanted to play and see what I could do if perhaps I combined the two. Above is the result! Nothing earth shattering, perhaps somewhat interesting at least to me, and a good illustration of today.

I'm trying out a newer version of Photoshop elements, 9. This would replace the old version 5 that I have been working with up till now. I think I will do it. I have much to learn, but even still I enjoy doing what I know so far. I can see this printed out onto fabric or textured paper and then going from there.

My friend joy is gone and it is very quiet here now! Yesterday's Art Journal start of a spread can be found here!

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