In That Moment

By Jamnik

Upside Down

i wanna turn the whole thing upside down
i'll find the things they say just can't be found
i'll share this love i find with everyone

-jack johnson

[reach for the sun]

this morning is frosted and sunlit, so gorgeous it's unreal today. i was absolutely drawn to the outdoors once i got off work, so i went tromping around in the park behind my house while wearing chacos.
god i love my life when i wear those shoes.
if this weather goes away, i swear i'm moving. i can't handle not having spring, not after a day like today.

*note: picture subject to change because photographer will be going out again during the day when it's warmer, even prettier and there is much more time.

[can you hear that hopeful heart? i don't want this feeling to go away.]

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