Ugly journal

By AlanDrummond

How are you?

In the space of 2 weeks I could have 1 person asking how I feel. Now this can easily be seen as a greeting more than an enquiry as to how you actually are. More often I see it as a greeting.

I could tell you how I feel, I could tell you that I'm worrying, I could tell you that I'm stressed, I could tell you that I feel lonely right now, I could tell you that I feel sick, I could tell you that I just feel a little bit too much weight on my shoulders, I could tell you that I could use just a little help, god I even listen to you tell me how you are truly feeling. But I don't, I chose to tell you that I'm fine and dandy.

At the end of the day I mean what does it really matter? You were only saying hello, weren't you?

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