Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Accident and Emergency,

emergency chocolate and emergency blip.

So, today's drama was Claire splitting her head open on bedside drawers after a backflip onto the bed went wrong.

At tea time she appeared at the kitchen door with her hand on her head and said that her head was bleeding. As she wasn't crying I wasn't sure if she over dramatising a bump until she removed her hand from her head revealing that it was covered in blood.

So we had a trip to Arbroath Infirmary to get her checked out. Her wound is small but needed a bit of glue to keep it together. She's more concerned about going to school tomorrow having not been able to wash her hair tonight.

Back home and with Claire tucked up in bed, it was time to hunt down my last piece of emergency chocolate, and this is it. It's quite bitter, but still gives me the 'hit' I need to calm down.

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