Shoals of dolphins

David, Lari, Guenther, and I motored out to some of the coral gardens this afternoon in a drizzly rain. Tomorrow is the fateful day I have to leave this magical place and I want to see the reefs one last time.

Soon the rain was replaced by crispy sunshine and rainbows. The water is so irridescant it almost seems to glow and the shimmering shapes of reef fish weave beneath the boat. And then I realized I forgot to grab my mask and snorkel...NO!

Fortunately the guys are happy to take turns and I waited on the top of the boat laying in the sun as the boat rocked in the current. Dreamy. And like apparitions from a dream out beyond the island edge I caught the sight of shapes breaking the water. Dolphins, hundreds and hundreds of dolphins migrating between the island straights!

We spent the rest of the afternoon snorkeling up close to family groups of these amazing animals. The sea was filled with sunbeams that faded away into the depths making these creatures really seem like ghostly beings from another world. What was most amazing about the dolphins though is the way they regarded us. They look back at you as a person does. They slow down and regard you curiously with what is unmistakable intelligence, before swimming off into the blue depths with a mammalian grin...

As we motored through the shoals many would veer along beside us weaving through the transparent water like phantoms racing the boat. Standing on the bow with the wind in my face and these beautiful creatures weaving beneath my feet was pure joy. It was a day I will never forget...

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