Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover


Inspired by Mpov.

This one isn't a frog though it's a Cane Toad(Bufo marinus), and it is real. A friend brought it back from Australia where they were introduced to try and control the native Cane Beetle. Unfortunately they thrived in Australia and now number over 200 million. Part of the problem is that they have poison glands on their back meaning that very few of the natural predators adapted to hunting them. It is now thought that they pose a significant risk to bio-diversity in Australia and, as such they are considered a pest.

Clearly some bright spark decided that instead of just exterminating them and dumping them they could make a tidy little profit on top by turning them into souvenirs.

I suppose I should be thankful really, the guy who game me it told me he was swithering between that or a money pouch made from a Kangaroos scrotum.

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