Constant Exposure

By constant

Stumptown Gold

The kids were at a sleepover so Kim and I got to go out.

We ate some sushi at the Dragonfish lounge. It was nothing special, I'm afraid.

Then headed over to Stumptown for our coffee fix. I'm not at all religious about coffee, but I am a total convert to Stumptown's cappuccinos. It's manna from heaven!

Then went to see Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day. A very nice, light and humorous period movie. The camera work was very creative too. The cast was great but I really like Amy Adams. She plays a similar type of role to the one in Enchanted - another very enjoyable and fun movie.

Then home to a little wine and Survivor.

Of course, my blip is the remains, or should I say afterglow, of my cappuccino at Stumptown. This is my very first use of layers (in Paint Shop Pro). I like that blipping gets me to try new things.

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