Friday: Rumbled

I popped out just after midnight to take this shot, which is of an interior courtyard at the House of Commons.  

My team are very amenable to me popping out at odd hours.  In fact, they have even taken to making helpful suggestions on what I should blip.  I should have become suspicious when they started suggesting places that were miles away but, last night, when they suggested I go to Dover, their game was up!  I see what they are trying to do.  Ha!  Well, they can't get rid of me that easily!

I think my night-time shots need a lot more work - they all seem to come out grainy and not as I had envisaged them.  Back to my 'Guide to Popping Out After Midnight and Taking Pictures'.....

I have dropped enough hints about wanting a tripod for my birthday so that is probably a starting point.......but any hints/tips very gratefully received.

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