Coffee shop moment

A busy but nonetheless unproductive day, spent mainly monitoring progress for the upcoming Nordic/Russian holiday. Oslo accommodation got sorted reasonably quickly, but it took a good bit of toing and froing before any progress was made about our time in St Petersburg.

I took a bit of a time-out break for my walk, ended up on the Clontarf seafront and decided to pop in to The Food Room for coffee and muffin. It's a good spot (though I must say the coffee isn't as good as it was the other day in the Nuthouse). It was busy enough, and many of the customers had the look of regulars about them, including this girl across from me whose hand movement suggested her phone conversation was an animated one.

Not much later on. St Petersburg contact continued into the evening (quite prompt and efficient, really, when it came to responding to follow-up queries). By the time I got round to doing the work that was waiting for me, I ended up not getting much done.

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