Watering hole

With the recent downpour, the various receptacles around the garden (birdbath and neglected flowerpots) were filled with rainwater. This fox was roaming the garden and drinking her fill. Whisky cat won't be impressed - they're HIS receptacles. He very rarely drinks from his water bowl in the flat, preferring rainwater (I don't know what that says of London's tapwater, even when filtered).

I also spotted a wren, the young robin and a magpie in the garden this afternoon, all looking for insect snacks.

The afternoon was quite productive for decluttering - Fred and I, like modern knights with lances, walked to the recycling centre (formerly known as 'the dump') with three broken mops and a PVC trunking tube. The mops were taken, but the PVC was rejected - there's no place for plastics at our local recycling centre, which means we take it to Battersea or Wandworth or chuck it in the normal bin. I'm ashamed to say we did the latter. It takes a lot of effort to get over to the other recycling centres with one 2m-long piece of trunking, especially when we don't have a car. Surely there could be a skip in our local recycling centre (which is quite a large one) that takes plastic. Rant over.

In the evening we headed to Camden to see BeefyLorelei play a stonking gig with his band Lorelei. They really rocked. And it was really fantastic to catch up with daisyglaisy. I think the last time we chatted must have been around graduation day a long time ago.

Fred thought it would be grand to walk from Camden to Waterloo and it took no time at all. It always strikes me as odd that distances that seem long on the tube are next to nothing above ground. London town was full of party people, mainly joyful Barcelona fans. Trafalgar Square was chocka with them, chanting "Champ-ee-on-ay!" en masse. I was delighted to see the Bagal Factory still open when we got to Waterloo. A toasted cinnamon bagel was rapidly devoured.

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