today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

...played with colour blocks:

erm, or exactly, with marshmallows...

Raesident and her <3 brought them from Paris as a thankyou gift for looking after their plants. Not that we have a tradition for marshmallows or so but they know when it's sweet and colourful then it's the right for me. And they're so right :D

I had to shoot them for the colour and I was determined to leave them just a bit longer for looking at them but unfortunatly they didn't fit all in the box afterwards. Damn.
AMAZING! That simple white one wasn't only sweet, it tasted somehow soft (just a shade of vanilla? almond?) and quite fresh (mint flavoured)! Can't wait to eat shoot the other ones.

I looked up the receipe for marshmallows. Found out that they aren't veggie (should have known) but also that they are easy to make (veggie) at home. While trying to get a grip here at the flat I'm in fluffy dreams figuring out which flavour combination I'll produce soon...

Have a yummy sunday all!

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