today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

am a boring blipper:

the same theme, nearly the same time (which means the next morning)...

This weekend started our 'summer info tour' of getting people involved in protection of forests, battle against climate change, climate protection politics...
We're at a very huge town fair for 4 days, as you noticed obviously the team does the work at the street, I have the weekend still off (well, so to say) and get there only for the saturday for painting the banner.
Not finished yet, have to do this the next nights I guess. And actualizing the homepage. And actualizing the flat...

All in all it was a bit much in the end, everywhere were p*** drunk party kids around, the trains were über-packed (mostly with these party kids) and I ended with migraine, ugh.

Well, to say it with Mr Adams: 'Don't panic!'- all will be well. I guess that's how project beginnings are.

For those who loved my thursday blip of Marburg: same place - friday was a nice sunset - or a dramatic one if you like the pushed colours and contrasts...

Listening to THIS while trying to convince me doing urgently needed houseworks.

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