Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Red Lichtie-hoose

My day was spent at a Pupil Lifting and Handling course, held in the Leisure Centre.

It involved learning to how to help people in and out of chairs, using slings and hoists to get them on and off of toilets and changing mats.

If there was any doubt about my suitability for the new school in August, today finally put that to rest.

I felt really awkward about getting so hands on with people as personal space is so important to me.
I'm not comfortable to touch a children in that way, so it's safe to say the job isn't for me. Never mind learning how to deliver personal care!

It was maybe good that I did have the chance to do the course, even although I thought it would be a waste of time, because now I know.

After the course I went into Arbroath to get some groceries. As we drove into Elliot I noticed the 'lighthouse' thingy has been painted, and you definitely couldn't miss it.

Apparently it's a rare piece of Scots maritime history.

It is another element of the 2011 Year of the Light celebrations to mark the 200th anniversary of the Bell Rock Lighthouse

The red lighthouse standing around 15ft tall and has been salvaged from Shetland and is believed to be one of only two of its kind surviving.

It was built early in the 20th century of cast iron and was gas powered. In September 2010 it was given to Angus Council by the Northern Lighthouse Board.

At one time, there were at least 120 minor lights around the coastline and these structures were normally either brick or cast iron. These were in use as temporary lights when a permanent light was inoperable.

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