Life Naturally

By lifenaturally


Lali, a blip friend from Edinburgh, (and who whom I was so fortunate to meet in person on a recent trip to the UK!!) has begun another of her very clever themes. This one is "detail".......

Not as easy as I thought it would be - involves lots of real study of one's subject - noticing what the casual glance misses - a dewdrop here, a tiny filament of spider web there.....

This papier mache sun has been a part of my interior decor for many years. I picked it up in a gift shop on one of the most wonderful vacations of my life. Sadly, I seldom really look at it now. With my camera set to macro, I buzzed around looking for details, and suddenly, here was all the textured wonder of this gilded face. Caught a dewdrop, and saw a spider web, but my sun shines daily as a reminder of a lovely interlude.

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