In That Moment

By Jamnik


but as strong as i seem to think i am
my distressing damsel,
she comes out at night
when the moon's filled up and
your eyes are bright,
then i think i simply aught to

fall over, fall over, fall overboard, overboard
fall overboard just so you can catch me

-ingrid michaelson

[between the lines]

ingrid's singing the song of my life while i read over coffee and toast.
such a quiet beauty in the rain today, a morning that lends itself to thought.

i've been thinking about my tendency to macro in my photography, and how that mirrors my tendency to think in life. i zoom in, get so close up on certain details, hung up if you will, that i can't see anything else. i have a hard time putting things into perspective because i can't see the whole picture.

but not any longer.

i am zooming in, but on myself instead of others this time. here's to looking on the inside, finding what is beautiful, and making that my focus as opposed to what others have and what is therefore lacking in my life. i am going to be my own big picture, and i think that sounds just fine.

here's to moving forward, one foot at a time.

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