Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia

Bench Portrait

Hello, hello, little elusive hundredth Blip. So lovely to make your acquaintance!

Another reason I shirked from the marvel of achieving 100 Blips and becoming more fully a part of the Blip community had partly to do (once again!) with too many choices and partly to do with this grand "On Blipping" post I had planned. I'm postponing "On Blipping" since that's an absolutely ridiculous reason to not continue blipping daily. Goodness. As for choices, again, time helped, as did Roommate's own choice of one of the photos from this quick, impromptu session for his profile picture on Facebook. So we're (okay, I'm) going with that one. Sweet, little Image 2013. I can't even tell how many 10000-photo cycles I've been through on the Canon Rebel, which technically belongs to Roommate, but speaking of shirking, that's definitely a hobby he's mostly put aside since purchasing this amazing camera. I keep telling him to Blip, too, and sharpen his eye as he goes!

What else to say about this shot? Well, we were headed off to dinner. We wanted pizza, but there was a long wait. And since we eat too much Panera, we headed down to the other Indian food place in town, this one not burnt to the ground last July (but across the street from that one!). We got there just about the time they were closing. Oops. So we just settled with Applebee's®. Sad state of local food choices in this town, really. Oh well. At least Applebee's® makes me feel as though I'm still at home. I tried a sip of whiskey from Roommate's glass at dinner. Meh. The only other time we've had it with anything was when we made a whiskey-coated ham for his family's Easter gathering several years back. To Alton Brown's specifications, of course.

Anywho... Happy hundred to me, I guess?

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