Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Asian Eagle Owl and Carys

Today we went to Willows Farm with a friend and her two girls. It was a lovely day but Carys just wasn't right. She hardly ate all day, was complaining of headaches and sore tummy and asked for Calpol twice. But having said all that she was adamant she wasn't going home until she had seen the birds.

For some reason she absolutely loves them and we have to go to everything the Falconers do on the days we are at Willows (which can be up to four shows/talks a day). Today she missed Atti, the Little Barn Owl that she loves. Atti had flown at an earlier time and as we were with friends we hadn't gone to watch, so Carys insisted we went to the Falconer's talk. Our friends didn't want to so we split forces and they went to the sheep show while we went up the hill. She was hoping to see Atti but instead met an Asian Eagle Owl called Nadina. Distinctly bigger than Atti, Carys wasn't phased by her at all as Nadina flew to her hand.

The photo I think shows Carys looking a little pale. Although I managed to get both kids home without them falling asleep in the car (Lots of singing of Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat) which was a feat in itself as they both went to sleep on the way there, Carys wanted to go to bed. It was 4.30pm. So they had a bath, but my Min started shivering in the bath so I got her out and dried her off and put her in bed to warm up while I sorted William. She then had a story and was in beds with Lights off by 5PM.

I really hope she is just tired from yesterday and I also really hope she doesn't sleep for her normal 12hours and insist on getting up at 5am. Fingers crossed.

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