today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

lived the sweet life...

Day off for holiday, somehow I was tempted to go to work but it was quite easy to get over that point.
I did mostly that what ~rainie suggested: putting my feet up! And what AndroBlip suggested: backing up my photos. And what my inner voice suggested: ... but that voice turned out to be a bit too weak in the end.
It ended in pottering around, brushes exercises, avoiding to dos.

I was determined to blip my feet when I had that itch to do what I'm best at - which includes sweet and wrecking the kitchen.
Making marshmallows isn't complicated at all, making vegetarian ones (using agartine instead of gelantine) neither - these with italian peppermint syrup {vitally important italian ingrediences are imported every summer in always too small amount}, sprinkled with chocolate. Goes surprisingly well with beer.

(The green jelly wasn't supposed to be jelly. Cooking lesson learned. When there's written 'waiting until the syrup cooled' they really mean that one should wait until the syrup cools. Weird! *rolls eyes*)

Enough peppermint syrup left for a few charges or I have to invent more varieties. Wait, I made elder flower syrup last weekend... Guess I'll be on marshmallow diet for the weekend. (Obsessive character? Me? Never!)

Tomorrow? I refuse to have a tomorrow... Or only to see all your blips when I wake up...

Edit: I know from the photographic point of view I should have posted only the upper picture. Little show off me. Guess I have to learn to limitize me. More lessons to learn.

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