I've been counting down the days to this one for quite some time. On my way to work I walk down Rectory Lane and, in blip-mode, I noticed that some of the stones in the high retaining wall had letters and numbers etched on them. It seems that the blocks are from headstones. So this particular stone went down for today's blip, though at the time, I really didn't believe I would last this long. But an addiction it has now become; and what a wonderful new way to see our world, and to "meet" such lovely Blipfolk on the way.

A meeting has been held at work and my resignation was not accepted; but Things Are Going To Change, apparently. Well, once I have returned from my Scottish holiday, I'll see. Because things really have got to change or else I will end up a quivering heap on the office carpet. I would like to reach retirement in a sane manner, and I'm afraid it can't come soon enough at the moment.

Thank you for all your comments and support. I am hoping to have a commenting mad session at the weekend - G will be at the cricket at Lords so I will have some me time. Enjoy your weekend.

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