Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Computer Workshop

This morning the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library was offering a 3-hour computer class in PowerPoint instruction. Both of us have dabbled with this computer program, but we thought some formal training, especially in the 2007 version, would be helpful. It was. We were impressed with all the customizing that can be done to make a presentation look fabulous. Including lots of photos is another feature we liked.

So during the morning I tried to nonchalantly click a picture or two. I liked the silhouette view that I was seeing to my right but wasn't sure if anyone would have a fit if I openly took some photos. So the photo above was taken quickly and my camera immediately slipped back into my pocket. I think the photo does an fine job of capturing the morning event. Looking at this picture months from now will bring this workshop and its memory to life.

This public library is connected to the lovely Victoria Gardens shopping mall where the Apple Computer store is located. It's probably 15 or 20 miles north of where we live, but the journey today was worthwhile.

This is the last weekend before graduation! Woohoo!
Good night from Southern California.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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