Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

All awash!

Phew it;s been a busy few days here in Lelville ... Had a couple of shoots to fit in that I couldn't cancel as they had been pre-booked for yonks.

I was glad that I actually went as it gave me a break for a few hours. Mum is settling nicely but is unable to do anything for herself at the minute. She is looking so much better but the memory loss is a real issue for her as you can see it frustrates her so much. She is going for a brain scan on the 14th to assess just what, if any, damage has been done.

With all the hospital visits and organising Mum's schedule, I nearly forgot I have my appt tomorrow for my check up! I am exhausted and managed to sleep for only 3 hours last night. The old brain just won't seem to shut down.

This morning Shaki suggested that we go for a walk along the Thames by Kew Bridge. It was lovely to get out and although it was a bit overcast the sun was doing it's best to peep through! Just as we got back to the car, it started to piddle down. So it was off back home for lunch and the mens final of the French Open.

In Lelville today:

Sleep walking - along the Thames ... Lovely

Shaki - for keeping an eye on mum so I could edit my Photo's from the previous days shoots.

Bed - which I will be retiring to very early this evening

Books - A lovely way to relax ;-) xx

Had to back blip yesterdays BLIP

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