Club 107

By club107

Number 1 son with number 4 niece

I was wanting to sleep longer but sadly I was due to start at 7am. Some weird beeping noise in the car was beginning to annoy me but thanks to one of my colleague's blip, I managed to find a solution.

Having been off for a couple of days, emails were building up badly in the Acme inbox. So that dictated a large part of the day.

There was sunlight and temperatures approached something like spring, just as my Italian brother inlaw was leaving Scotland. Another one who leaves knowing the bitter truth of June in Scotland.

Home for torilla con patatas, which actually got a semi thumbs up from two half Spanish women (Madame and my sister in law), so that is a result as far as I'm concerned.

Then bath time for two wee babies.

Compared to yesterday it was a sweltering


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