Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Game 2

A couple of friends have introduced me to ice hockey, a crazy game for sure. Its just so fast that I can hardly see the puck most of the time but Im totally hooked already. Today we went to the Kensington Tavern to watch game 2 of the Stanley Cup finals. The last time I was at the Kensington it was a real dive but its actually really nice now, a great venue for watching the game. The staff made us more than welcome as did the local drunk, Steven. That was until we refused to buy him a beer. It was noon on a Sunday after all........Go the Canucks

It got me thinking...........

Heres us sitting in a small local pub in Dunedin watching this game, just how many other small groups of people are at their local bar at the same time watching the game as well?
We are just the smallest part of a HUGE number of people watching all at the same time, the world just gets smaller and smaller doesn?t it.

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