an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


EDIT: I have no internet at my parents' house right now (lame), so comments tonight are limited. Catch up will begin tomorrow night. GET READY.

One of the highlights of my trip home to the ATX was buying back my commuter bike, June, from the 2011 rider I sold her too.

I sold my commuter before leaving Austin, back in October, thinking I would probably never see her again. I told Bijal to sell her to a 2012 rider, pass her on (I'd bought her from a 2009 T4K rider). When I found out I'd be back in town for Atlas, and that I really needed/wanted a commuter in Boston, I emailed Bijal to see if she'd sell June back to me.

Well, I guess the stars aligned, because she did.

And so Roxanne and June are reunited, and June has a brand new set of bar tape, almost back to her old colors. I'm pretty pleased to have her back (and to put two bikes on the Yaris - which, by the way, I had two bikes on top of the Yaris, one bike inside, 4 people, and all our camping gear on Sunday - can I get a round of applause?).

Friday - 2011
Saturday - Sky, Sky, Sky
Sunday - Dax

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