Details ... #6 Colorful Lizard

I had to do different activities; all had to do with the household so I won't bore you with the details. I had an hour or so to find me today's blip. One of my activities brought me in the neighbourhood of the Zoo. Never too dull for a cuppa and an outdoor lunch I took a break in the restaurant of the Riviera hall in Blijdorp Zoo.

The wheather wasn't so attractive to look long outside. In fact I went to one of my favorite sections. Thats were 'reptiles rule'. It took me 3/4 hour to take a picture wich could be saved from the trash can. The reptiles are behind - not always very clean - glass and there were lots of kids on a school trip to the Zoo today. And they are curious what you are doing and knock on the windows ... well I think you can imagine that actual scene.

But here it is, the colorful lizard. You should click the magnifier. Large is great! But don't look too long in the eye, it's hypnotizing ... ;)

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