Details ... #5 Hat Rack On A Fence

This morning the weather forecast spoke of raining, perhaps cats and dogs and of the possibility going to have a thunderstorm. So my plans to go out for a 'Details' by bike were adjusted to a much more safer 'looking for a detail in the own backyard'. What's remaining here from the inevitable 'Dutch courage' ... :/

I found my Details #5 in a part of the fence in the backyard. To me it has a bit the character of a still life image. I could take time to shoot. I installed a tripod and held an umbrella high up in the air to protect the camera against the falling rain. After all a delicate Leica is not like a more macho Olympus E-5 when it comes to 'splashproof'. With an easy shutter speed of 1/15" to reach with f/5.6 on a 28mm lens a depth of field over the whole range of the image. That's what I learned from lessons I followed on these type of still life photography. And believe me or not, as a student I was very obedient ...;|

And yes, due to the available natural light, it's a HDR photo ... ;)

LEICA M8: f/2.8+f/5.6+f/11 - 1/15" - 28mm - ISO 160

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