A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

An apple a day...

"Una mela al giorno toglie il medico di torno"

It seems that in english there is the same old saying we have here..."an apple a day keeps the doctor away"

...and i try to do like Enrico Fermi...he was used to keep on his desk an horseshoe, for us italians a typical object to have to keep bad luck away....and when someone was asking him if he was superstitious he was saying "Nooo, i'm not superstitious...but just in case..." ;-)...so as we may not know how true and good could be the old popular wisdom...i keep eating an apple a day...just in case...you never know!;-)

I honestly didn't see doctors so much so far...but maybe not just cos of all the beautiful and good apples! ;-)

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