A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

A pink cloud over the roofs

Blip is a real feast for the eyes, inspiring ...i see so many beautiful pics and subjects,...mind and eyes start thinking and seeing in a different way!...and it's cool!
Sooo...i'm seeing so many beautiful sunsets and clouds pictures on this site...and mine today wants to be just an humble attempt to catch a nice pink orange cloud i saw over the roofs!
I'll try to improve but i'm happy as well with this shot today...cos anyway is not only about the pic...it's the moment we enjoy, the subject that catch our attention for a pic...what we live and then share!
Not every day we get chances for great and breathtaking shots...but we absorbe as much as we can of what we have around, finding inspirations and ideas...even from small things we wouldn't have considered before being blippers!;-)

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