An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Provan Gas Works

Another busy day!

Up, work, home, domestic goddess bit, feed child, visit mum in hospital, snap a panic blip on way home, stop at the chippy, come home, eat fish supper, make A's supper, get him to bed, put on a washing, hang up a washing, prepare schoolbag for tomorrow.......are you bored yet?! I am! LOL!

Just a few minor chores left to do then I will be back to look at all your blips. Do you know I haven't read a book since I started blipping because my bedtime reading time (does that make sense?:) is now taken up with looking at and commenting on blips! And I love it! :))

Re. todays blip - a very quick snap I took out of the car window as D sped past on the motorway. These gas works have fascinated me since I was a child. Sometimes the tanks are empty like now and the mechano set is revealed in all its beauty....other times the tanks are full and when they are, when I pass them I wonder, just as I did when I was a child, what would happen if they exploded!!!!

Right, last of the chores then back to browse. :)

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