Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Tall Trees

Tall Trees

Tall tree, stand in the distance
Remember when you were green
Dont wipe the salt from your skin
Tall tree, tall tree.

Thanks to Crowded House for the inspiration for todays blip, I left the gym and this song was on the radio. As I was driving back to Mosgiel I saw these trees in the forest of the side of the road on Three Mile Hill, for anyone that knows the area its near the Taieri Lookout. It just had to be the image for today, it was like I had been led to it. Earlier in the day I had been talking to a good friend who is working on a project to do with trees, I didn?t think about it at the time but it must have been tucked away in my subconscious somewhere. Anyway......

It got me thinking...........

These trees are lovely and straight, great for timber and thats for sure what they have been grown for. After the trials and tribulations that Christchurch has gone through with the earthquake and the destruction we have seen in concrete and brick buildings, almost exclusively, I wonder just how many of these pine logs will soon be on their way to Christchurch to help with the rebuilding of the city????

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