Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Wilting Rose

Today was the day of the funeral of a mate, I hadnt seen him since Mums funeral and had just been thinking about him the other day wondering just when I would run into him again.
Mosgiels like that, you just run into people you really don?t need to go looking for them. Sad part of the whole thing is that he took his own life at the age of 53.
I will never be able to understand exactly what state of mind you would have to be in to do this and I sincerely hope that I never do. What a tragedy for all concerned, there are two girls that have lost their father and never got to say goodbye.............

It got me thinking...........

Im going to make more of a concerted effort to catch up with people now that we are back home in Mosgiel. You never know what is just around the corner for us all and I think we all should consider this every day. Today really reinforced this to me.........

R.I.P. Steven, I hope you are at peace now.

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