Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Full Monty

Monty is a lovely chap but not the brightest of animals. This is a fairly typical pose although he often doesn't go out for what seems like days. Don't be fooled by the inquisitive look; he is trying to work out whether he can eat a Nikon D90. Curiosity will never kill this cat unless there is something edible to tempt him. His most significant contributions to our household are to leave hair everywhere, make squeaky sounds when hungry, and make loud, human sounding noises from the less desirable part of his anatomy. But he does have a cute appeal. The irony of this pose is that he is framed between a bird bath and a bird table, but has no idea how to catch birds. They sit a few feet away and eat bread and he just watches. Killer instinct no; tests for brain function yes.

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