Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo


Survived my 1st ever teaching session today. No riot, no mass miscomprehension, no sneering at my incompetence, all in all I would have to say that it went very well.

And despite stapling my big finger beforehand, I passed too - Hooray!

That sense of relief and self-congratulation was briefly enjoyed, when I realised that I have to give a lesson tomorrow that will be twice as long.

Once again, hitting the books hard, well into the night.

We have finally got the tables and chairs on the terrace, however, this was not the usage that I'd envisaged, when we were choosing them.

No beer, no food, no music, no sunshine & no Sandra (who was still working when I took this).

Anyway, just had some food, so better get back to it now.

Hasta Manana.

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