Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Thank crunchie it's Friday

Here's Miss F being her usual cheery self!

What a week it's been! Hubby's been away again ...larging it up in the US of A (alright for some I say) I honestly have the highest amount of admiration for single parents, it's hard work being at home with 3 kiddies but we managed it ... I'm not sure the housework would agree but hey that's superficial!

Little K hasn't been well, he went to bed like his usual good boy self Wednesday night but wanting mummy to sleep in with him while daddy is away so I said I'd sleep in his room, the thought of being kicked senseless by a wriggly 5yo didn't fill me with joy (he really is a daddy's boy & misses him bundles!) After getting everything sorted I finally dosed off in the early hours only to be woken by little K a few moments later telling me he needed a wee, so off he went & when he returned I snuggled him back in his bed & he was burning up he had the reddest little cheeks and he told me he had a headache ... I finally managed to get him to have some medicine & we headed downstairs with duvet in tow and watched the tv ... very grateful to sky for continuing to broadcast cartoons in the small hours of the morning. He's been off school for the last couple of days and I have to say today he seems far brighter (and maybe could've coped with school) but I'm glad I kept him off it gives his little body time to recover properly :)

So that's pretty much been my week ... blood tests today so I've now got to play the waiting game with the results ... a weeks time hopefully

I hope you're all doing well ... I'm going to hopefully catch up on your blips over the weekend when the hubby's home.

Have a good weekend y'all x

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