kodak moments.

By emilykidd


Apologies for the lack of blips. Exams combined with being ill combined with no camera to call my own lead to a lack of blipping. But I am back and plan to blip every day from now on.
This picture is the front page of my cast folder for "The Macbeth Project", a musical that I am in with the school. As like every other year I have done musical, I started off not that keen, got to a I hate this musical so much I would rather be doing revision than doing it and now i am at the this could go well but i have no idea how to learn my lines.
I have my dance tomorrow night, so i'm looking lovely and tanned from my fake bake. Guess what the photo will be tomorrow!?
Lots of love fellow blippers.
ps i backblipped for quite a long time ago. check it out!

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