Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Head in the clouds

I can't seem to get my blip Mojo going tonight, I think I have my head in the clouds. . . . . Ohh . . . . there's an idea.

This is my baby, she is a 2004 fender strat from the Corona factory in America. I bought her in 2007 from the original owner who had replaced the pick-ups with bare knuckle Irish Tours. since then all I have done is add locking strap pins and replace the tuners with fender locking ones to make string changes quicker. I still have all the original bits though so can put her back to factory condition in no time. She was the 13th Guitar purchase in my life but still remains my favourite.

P.s. I should have mentioned that if you are not a total guitar geek, stop reading after the first paragraph :-)

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