A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

In my hands

Missed my blip yesterday because I decided to decorate my office/studio - which meant I had to dismantle computer and put everything out of the way. When putting everything back and tidying the office today, I came across my box of two silver jingly chinese pressure point balls (oversized ball bearings!)

It was getting to the point where I knew I wasn't going to get outside so I thought I'd see if I could get some shots of me holding one of them (I tried two but my hands are tiny so I couldn't manage that, and focussing and pressing the button on my camera!!! Who says women can multitask?)

Of 40 shots, this one is one of my favourites, but to be fair I had a choice of 7 that I spent some time deliberating about! I love that I'm reflected in the ball, and that the walls of my office are reflected too.

its a bit grainy because my camera was on ISO 1600 from my candle pics two nights ago and I forgot, but given that I have converted to black and white, I actually quite like the grainy feel. I love the that the detail of my skin is showing - although I am going now to moisturise!!!!

The rest of the 7 I wanted to put up are on my website click here for other "In my hands" photos

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