a town called E.

By Eej

Aaaaand ... relax.

I found a great spot to take Sam's portrait but then we got busy and then the boss came in and it all just didn't happen. Not today. Hopefully next week!

The Fish Hatchery was overflowing with wildlife. Spotted a bunny, found a whole heap of empty turtle eggs that I hope hatched and weren't eaten (how do you tell the difference?) and was harassed by quite a few male red-winged blackbirds. The weather was good, not too humid, not too hot, and I wandered about for an hour.
Two female red-winged blackbirds (who are not black, nor have red wing tips and isn't it a bit sexist to name a species after the guy? Not to mention confusing to novice birdwatchers?) were pottering about. I sat and watched them until one started darting in front of me with a massive dragonfly in her beak.
Sometimes I like to leave nature to nature :/

I came back to the car feeling all tranquil and unwound. Lucky Beloved :)

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