My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Last Class

So this was the day that I really tried to avoid...the day where it all becomes real to me and I cry. And I cried.

It was a culmination beginning in my last class ever, my Shakespeare class. My teacher kept saying how it was the last class for some of us graduating (it was mine) and that she would miss us all.

Then we watched King Lear and it was about loss, such loss, and I cried. I went up to my teacher after class to thank her and she gave me a hug and that just catalyzed the tears even faster...

And then I walked out of my last academic class ever, sobbing quietly to myself, trying to avoid anyone seeing me...

Went to yearbook to return a yearbook (since I got a different one) and saw Grace and tried to explain to her what had happened to me but I couldn't stop and broke down AGAIN and she gave me a hug...

And I walked back to my apartment still silently crying, probably looking like a madwoman, but I couldn't stop thinking about all the good times I had and all the good people I met (oh no I'm starting to tear up now)...

I got a call at my apartment from an internship prospect that they wanted to meet me for an interview. My tears had subsided by then, and a smile came onto my face...

Life is funny, life is really funny.


Earlier that day, I met up with Anna and Gilberto again and got some pictures of the anteaters eating! Then we explored the Santa Ana Zoo. It's a delightful little zoo and perfect for smaller children. Gilberto also gave me a nice graduation present :)

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