"It is what it is; because it is"

This is my new saying. I find myself saying it to myself; to my students; to my friends.

I am slowly learning to let go of the things I can do nothing about. I do not need to 'own' these things. It is enough to give them back to people who can control them and to carry on with the things I can affect.

I had a really lousy night's sleep last night, but was up early for Mass.

Then home to have some lunch, before heading off to the beach with my dog. Cousteau and I don't go to the beach alone very often these days and I forgot how much I enjoy his company. When he's with other dogs he (quite rightly) goes off and plays with them. When it's just the two of us, he interacts with me a whole lot more. We threw sticks and generally fooled around.

It was peaceful. So peaceful. Whilst wandering, I realised that right at that moment, I was happy. So I hugged it to myself and cherished it. Cousteau wasn't much in the mood for splashing in the water. Maybe it was too chilly. I tried to get some photos of him with the sun behind him, but nothing came out right. So I left him to it and concentrated on this wee fella instead. He seemed happy enough.

Home now to a sleepy B (he's not feeling very well) and two content furkids.

I'm cooking a roast for tea. It's what I feel like. Might even do some Yorkshire puds if I can find a decent recipe for them.

Then a DVD and an early night. Then sleeeeeeep!

Night all.

Interestingly enough, Pio has assumed the very same position as he has in my 'Year ago' photo.

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