Queen of Fools

By 81303

More cookies!

I think I'm addicted to baking.

At this very transitional time in my life, I am hopeful. I am walking cautiously through my day embracing the hope that I have for many people and many things.

-I hope my girls back home are doing okay without me. Mommy is strong, independent, and good with change so I feel like after it has completely sunk in she will be back on track with work. Little sister is a tough one to read, but I know she feels that she has that special place in my heart that only little sisters do. And lastly, the best friend. Little angel. Her life is a tiny bit scattered right now and I want more than anything to be her solidity in life but I'm just too far. I know she has a plan. She will be more than okay as the days pass.
-I hope our love grows every single day that I am in this house. In fact, I hope our love grows every single day for the rest of our lives. As my second day in this house comes to a close, already I can feel that the love between us is stronger. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to be living with the man I love.
-I hope my Harvey is okay. I miss my little black pup.
-I hope grandpa popsicle is feeling no pain what so ever. For some reason when I'm here I think of him tons of times a day. I think maybe his spirit or some part of him is very much with me, guiding me on this journey.
-Lastly, I hope coming here was the right decision.

Sometimes hope is all we've got, right?

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