Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Just hanging around

Because it was Easter weekend, the Music Group had a day off for good behaviour, and it felt rather strange not heading out at the usual time for our weekly gathering. Still, that meant there was all the more time to do productive things, like knuckle down to the design job that's been hanging over my head for a while and for which I've promised the client a proposal in his mailbox for Tuesday morning. The house needs some loving care and attention too, so that was on the list as well. To my shame, by 5.00 pm neither of these tasks had progressed any further, and suddenly it was time to leave home and go over to Carl's place.

I had thought of leaving a bit earlier and stopping around Sandymount for a blip session, but I took a different route and came across nothing blippable as an alternative. We watched a bit of TV (Toy Story 2 was on, so that couldn't possibly be missed), and then went to stock up Carl's cupboards with a bit of grocery necessities. We decided to take our custom to Dunnes Stores in Cornelscourt for a change and to combine that with a meal in the Pattay Thai restaurant in Cabinteely. We got to Cabinteely around 8.00, passed the restaurant and saw that it was empty and decided there was no need to make a booking. The trolly was well filled, suddenly it was 9.30, and the restaurant's business had set in when we got back. They sent us away to the next-door pub and said they'd phone when a table became free, which they did shortly afterwards. We had a pleasant meal, and then went back to Carl's Kino to watch Blade Runner. I've just finished reading Philip K Dick's Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?, thanks to a comment by Archangel over at Tigraki's journal, and was interested to see how the film compared. I have to admit that sleep kicked in after half an hour or so and al I can say is that, judging from what I've seen, the film is very different.

Before going out shopping, I blipped some t-shirts which Carl had hanging up to dry. I hasten to make it clear that the colours are a bit more subdued in reality.

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