Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Nearly done.

It's hard to believe that I can say that! That 6, SIX, miles is "nearly there" ... when was the last time YOU walked 6 miles? It's actually quite far but Moonwalk practice does that to you... 6 miles is a wee walk LOL

It's quite hard when you've already done 20 though. Mentally and physically.

This year my feet took over and I managed to get to 24 miles without too much anguish (and no blisters!) The last 2 were hard ... my legs were giving up and just wouldn't go any faster. I just had to go with them and slow right down.

Crossed the finish to cheeers from strangers and a big grin from my other half.
7hrs 20 mins. Not bad at all.

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