Ina's Snippets

By ina

It CAN be done...

"It's not what you look at that matters,
it's what you see."

~Henry David Thoreau~


Up early this morning, to test the new lens and out again late afternoon - I had limited success, not as easy as it looks! On a tripod it can maybe work, but I like to shoot freehand, so I had more blur blips than clear ones... but I will get there! My aim is to catch the geese and Sacred Ibis's in flight, with this lens, and I WILL! - watch this space :) I manage to catch them without the lens but I want them closer with more detail - hard on myself? No - I know it can be done - all it takes is skill and lots of patience.... ok, if you want luck too! :)

I don't give up easily, that's for sure :)

While waiting for the Ibis's to come home late afternoon, I saw this bloke accross the dam flipping in the air! Luckily I got him! He left with his friends after this one... yeahh!!


"To win without risk
is to triumph without glory!"

~Pierre Corneille~

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